Saline Lifting, Removal, and Color Correction

at The Brow House

Saline lifting is a versatile procedure that can be applied to various types of cosmetic tattoos, including eyebrows, eyeliner, and lip liner. Whether you're looking to correct a previous cosmetic tattoo or completely remove it, Saline Lifting provides a customizable solution. Over a series of sessions, the tattoo gradually fades, offering a path to correction or allowing for a blank canvas for new cosmetic tattooing. 


Saline lifting also serves as a valuable technique for color corrections. When the skin reaches its pigment saturation point, a gentle pigment lift can become necessary before introducing new colors. This method ensures a more precise and revived outcome, allowing us to create more options for color corrections and refreshed looks.


Our saline lifting service is an option for those who have an undesired cosmetic tattoo, as the solution works effectively in breaking down and lifting the pigments out of the skin, gradually lightening the tattooed area over the series of multiple sessions. 

The Science Behind Saline Lifting

We utilize Botched Ink Saline Tattoo Removal at The Brow House. The solution’s ingredients are primarily purified water, dead sea salt, glycerin, and aloe vera. (Click here to visit the Botched Ink site and learn more.) A tattoo machine or a specialized hand tool is used to gently puncture the skin over the tattooed area. This allows the Saline Lifting solution to penetrate into the tattooed skin layers.

The saline solution works through osmosis, as it draws the pigment particles from the skin to the surface. The solution breaks down the pigment and lifts it closer to the surface and out of the skin.

Over the next few days, a scab forms over the treated area. This scab contains the broken-down pigment. 

Your Comfort 

Saline lifting is that it typically involves minimal discomfort. During the procedure, some individuals may experience sensations of stinging or a mild burning feeling. These sensations are usually short-lived and subside quickly. 

Duration of Saline Lifting Session + Time Investment

The duration of a saline lifting session spans from 30 minutes to an hour, contingent on the treatment area's size and the pigment's depth.

Keep in mind, saline lifting isn't an exact science, and a single treatment doesn't guarantee complete removal. Typically, the pigment initially darkens as it surfaces. Most clients require a series of sessions spaced 8-12 weeks apart for optimal lightening results. Once the desired lightening or removal is achieved, a 3-month rest period is necessary before adding new cosmetic tattoos to the area.

Effectiveness and Expectations

Saline Lifting's effectiveness is closely tied to the type of pigment used in your cosmetic tattoo and its depth within the skin. In general, most pigments tend to respond quite favorably to this technique, often yielding impressive and noticeable results. The saline solution works effectively in breaking down and lifting these pigments, gradually lightening the tattooed area. However, when it comes to more specialized pigments or cosmetic tattoos that have been deeply deposited into the skin layers, the response to saline lifting may be less predictable, resulting in requiring more sessions to achieve the desired lightening effect. 

Upon consultation with us, we will be able to offer valuable insights into what you can expect from the process and how best to achieve your desired results.

It's essential to understand that undergoing a removal procedure doesn't guarantee that you'll be eligible for a new cosmetic tattoo or correction. Whether this is possible depends on factors like your skin condition, the presence of scarring, and any remaining pigment or shape from a previous artist's work

Laser Tattoo Removal

There are situations where we might recommend offsite laser removal as an alternative option or to be used in sequence with saline removal for more effective results. However, it's important to note that we don't typically advise laser removal as the initial choice, primarily because laser removal may not effectively remove certain pigment colors. 

Preparation and Aftercare

Here's a guide on preparation and aftercare for saline lifting or color correction:


  • Refrain from using products containing retinol or glycolic acid on the treated area for a minimum of one week before the procedure.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds to prevent any sunburns.


  • After the saline lifting or color correction procedure, it's important not to get your brows wet for the following two weeks. While you can still take showers, avoid saturating or soaking your brows.

  • Cleanse the treated area gently using a mild, non-irritating cleanser to keep it free from impurities. Pat dry with care.

  • Shield your brows from excessive sun exposure by using sunscreen or wearing a hat when going outside. 

  • Be mindful of irritants like makeup or skincare products that may come into contact with the treated area. Use caution to ensure proper healing.

What’s Next?

If you have an existing cosmetic tattoo you are look to revive or rescue, we would love to hear from you. We offer a complimentary detailed consultation process: it allows us to get to know you, your goals, and your unique preferences, then assess your best step forward.

We welcome all questions and inquiries, whether you decide to schedule with The Brow House or not. We can’t wait to hear from you!


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